Men's Shed Ottawa Centre

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  • 1.  Sharing Books amongst our Members

    Posted 01-03-2024 23:16

    Several members have expressed an interest in loaning books from their personal libraries among MSOC Members.

    This requires members to post the books on offer.

    All offered books be physically retained by each owner, but an index card of each book with various data provided so other members have an idea what the book is about.

    Members contact each other and make their own arrangements with the owner tracking who they load their books to.

    Suggested starting point.

    • Participants become 'listed members' on an identified 'group membership list' that will be circulated to the listed members.
    • Participants agree to lend, borrow, or donate books to each other.
    • Lists to be distributed to participants. (A draft example of the list is attached and is based on information received to date)
    • Participants may add or delete their own list entries (please send entries to me for keeping the 'master list')
    • The list will be redistributed monthly.
    • Exchanged books to be returned, purchased, or donated by a date agreed and recorded by exchanging members.
    • Participants may comment on any book offered or borrowed. 
    • Participants may meet or communicate to recommend or discuss any book. (Discussion groups in person or by zoom may be arranged subject to requests from participants)

    Kevin Ford

  • 2.  RE: Sharing Books amongst our Members

    Posted 01-03-2024 23:26

    Possible tool to make building a list that are available:


    Web hosted. $50/yr, Can be made part of MSOC WebSIte

    Also see Kevin Ford's example of a Library of Books he donated to a Museum on Marine Transportation

    Kevin Ford

  • 3.  RE: Sharing Books amongst our Members

    Posted 01-03-2024 23:28

    Several members expressed a wish to Post the Books they have to distribute, but they don't want them returned...

    Kevin Ford